Here I will show a number of Homoeopathic remedies for you to look at and begin to discover the PICTURE of the remedy.
They are not in any order for you to choose one for a specific disease.
Homoeopathy does not use dis-ease names as such, we are guided by the symptoms, what makes the symptoms worse, better, when something started etc
Use a 30c to begin with. Potency is often the question people wonder about the most, fear not..just start with a 30c.
In acutes, I will build your confidence in treating acutes, you can give remedies 3-5 times a day.
However, you are not pushing with the remedies you let the patient guide you, do they need another dose? Or is that enough?
Put the remedy under the tongue and let it dissolve.

One of our leading remedies, often gets people using Homoeopathy. Great for bruises and shock. Use before and after marathons, heavy work outs.
Do not put Arnica creams/oils onto
broken skin. -
Recently I used this remedy to assist a patient with exhaustion.

Fever is the NO 1 dis-ease this remedy treats. However, it cover headaches, boils, bites...think red, hot, mad (headache, boils, bite, sting etc).
When a child has a fever I am not trying to stop the fever, I am supporting the child's need to do the fever. Belladonna, I have noticed, will often allow the child to sleep, whilst the fever continues to do the intelligent work for the child (being).

Known as the gardeners remedy. Much muscular soreness, sprains, bruises and lacerations.
Trauma, surgery to trunk of body.
Used after surgery both for the pains and to speed recovery.

Keynote of this remedy is worse for any movement. Think headaches, sprains, strains, pleurisy, where the main symptom is better for staying still because of the pain. They are often very thirsty because of feeling dry.
I once had a patient who was diagnosed with pleurisy. The patient could hardly breathe (worse for any movement) it pained them so much. I gave Bryonia and in a few days the patient could breathe again with no pain.

Excellent skin healer, pussy discharge. Cuts, wounds and grazes.
My favorite combo for wounds is Moringa powder and Tumeric Powder, heavy with the Tumeric.
Make a paste with water
and pack the wound, it draws out thorns, poison from bites. -
Put on and cover in day and take off and air at night.

Air hunger, goes blue in the face. Cannot breathe deeply enough. Desires to be fanned/open air.
Tremendous bloating, better for eructations (farting).
Often when I prescribe this remedy the patient takes a deep breath.

NO1 teething remedy. Screams with the pain, is caprious with the pain. Wants something then does not want it.
Clove on teeth that ache is very good.
I once heard a screaming/crying loudly child waaayyyy up the street I lived in, I just knew that child was being bought to me...I went to my pharmacy and got Chamomilla 30 and gave it to the child as the mother bought him though the gate. The child calmed instantly.

NO 1 for motion sickness, seasickness.
True vertigo, must lay down.
This has been used many times for motion (nausea, diarrhea) sickness and seasickness with great success.

Flu with tremendous aching 'as if the bones where broken'. Back pain.
High fever, flush or chills.
Those horrible flu's, this remedy is the one. Thank fully not too often.

NO 1 for flu. Achy bones, chills, shaking, dull head.
I once gave this to a patient and she went home sweated all night and felt much improved in the morning!

Long cuts and abrasions. Think of tears to the skin. Use this and Calendula as a wash to heal deep cuts.
I once treated a woman who had just had a baby, she had a severe tear in her perineum. I put a pill of Hypericum and a pill of Calendula into water and soak the area with a facecloth. It healed quickly and neatly the midwife was amazed

NO 1 grief remedy.
Ailments after grief. Sighs often. Can break down and sob.
This remedy has been so useful over the years. However, I am reminded that grief comes in waves and to try and halt or avoid it is inappropriate.

Long cuts and abrasions. Think of tears to the skin. Use this and Calendula as a wash to heal deep cuts.
I once treated a woman who had just had a baby, she had a severe tear in her perineum. I put a pill of Hypericum and a pill of Calendula into water and soak the area with a facecloth. It healed quickly and neatly the midwife was amazed

Needy, clingy, weepy with ailments...such as ear aches, toothache, teething.
A major remedy for children. However it does have themes that run into adulthood and is much used in adults too.

Sprains, arthritis, worse for first movement and they get better 'as their bones warm up'. Great aggravation from cold weather.
Can have great itchiness, which is better for hot water.
I recently used this remedy for chicken pox, to great success. 2 doses and it all cleared up.

Sprains, overuse or injury to tendons. Eye strain.
Brilliant remedy for eye strain, think of all the hours in front of a screen!

I call this remedy 'the bitch troll from hell'. Wants to run away (particularly from the family), angry, fault finding, hormonal.
Worn out mums do well with this remedy.

Excellent remedy for pushing out foreign bodies.
Beware if you have any non human parts in you...it could push it out, if you do have non human parts in you please do not use.

01225 466 944 (or click on the phone number to book at Bath Natural Remedies, formally Neal's Yard Bath)